Convox Newsletter: Feature Highlights, Releases, v2 Rack and v3 Racks
Hello Convox Community,
As we roll into the summer months, we are thrilled to share our latest updates with you. This month, we've introduced several exciting new features and enhancements designed to improve your experience with the Convox platform. From updated rack installation processes to advanced deployment strategies, we are committed to providing you with the tools you need to succeed. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations in the coming weeks. Together, let's continue to build amazing things.
Feature Highlights:
- Rack Templates: We've updated the rack installation process to include rack templates and the ability to upload a JSON file for specific parameter sets. This update also brings a revamped rack install menu with parameter information and guidance. This is the first phase of our rack templates feature, with more functionality to come.
- Audit Log Export: We've introduced new capabilities to filter and generate URLs for ingesting audit logs into your preferred analysis tools. Additionally, you can download these filtered logs in various formats, including JSON, CSV, and XML.
v3 Racks:
- Enhanced Update and Deployment: We've created a Deployment Controller to configure things like Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs) for app availability during node termination, and a Node Controller to monitor and handle node termination events. These enhancements improve deployment rollout strategies during node termination to ensure zero downtime.
- Shared Service Volumes: Added AWS EFS volume support for persistent and shared service storage.
v2 Racks:
- RDS Read Replica: Added support for RDS Read Replica deployment and replica promotion.
- RDS Snapshot: Added support to create managed RDS databases from existing snapshots.
Release Notes:
Version 3 (RSS or GitHub)
Version 2 (RSS or GitHub)
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