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Deploying a Deno App on Any Cloud with Convox

Deno is that newest kid on the JavaScript/TypeScript block. It's a simple and lightweight runtime that uses the V8 Engine, is written in Rust, and it's creation was spearheaded by Ryan Dahl of NodeJS fame. Deno just hit its 1.0 milestone and we thought it would be a good time to start playing around with shipping Deno apps. Since Convox is language agnostic and multi-cloud we are all about shipping any app, written in any language, to any cloud. So let's get started and ship our first Deno app!

Install Deno

Follow the instructions here for your operating system. I am on a Mac so I chose to use Homebrew.

$ brew install deno

Create a simple Hello World Web app


import { serve } from "";

const hostname = "";
const port = 8080;
const s = serve({ port: port});

const body = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World\n");
console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);

for await ( const req of s) {
req.respond({ body });

This very simple app creates a web server listening on port 8080 and responds to all requests with "Hello World".

We can test our app by running:

$ deno run --allow-net hello.ts

and then opening another terminal window and running:

$ curl http://localhost:8080
Hello World

Create a Dockerfile

All apps deployed on Convox run in containers and therefore need a Dockerfile. Deno does not currently have an official Dockerfile but this seems to be a very popular and well constructed Dockerfile so we will use that as our base.

A little caching cleanup

The first thing we will do is cleanup our dependencies for better maintainability and caching. Let's create a dependencies file deps.ts and put our single dependency in it.


export { serve } from "";

Then we can tweak our hello.ts file a little bit

import { serve } from "./deps.ts";
const hostname = "";
const port = 8080;
const s = serve({ port: port});

const body = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World\n");
console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);

for await ( const req of s) {
req.respond({ body });

The Dockerfile

Finally following the very nice example from Andy Hayden we can create our Dockerfile.

FROM hayd/ubuntu-deno



USER deno

COPY deps.ts .
RUN deno cache deps.ts

ADD . .

RUN deno cache hello.ts

CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "hello.ts"]

Create a convox.yml

In order to deploy our new app to a Convox Rack we need to first create a convox.yml manifest file. In the case of this very simple app we have a very simple manifest.


build: .
port: 8080

We define a service called app which is built from the Dockerfile in the current directory and exposes the internal port of 8080.

(optional) Test Locally

If you have a local Rack installed you can test your app by running convox start and then opening a browser and going to where you should see your "Hello World" message.

Deploy Your App

If you have not yet installed a production Rack you can do so easily for the cloud of your choice in just a few minutes using either the Convox web console or the Convox CLI

Once you have a production Rack up and running all you need to do is create an empty app and deploy. For this example I have a Rack running on Digital Ocean called do-test.

$ convox racks
do-test do running

First I switch to my Rack and create an empty app

$ convox switch do-test
Switched to do-test
$ convox apps create
Creating deno... OK

My current directory is called deno and Convox automatically assumes your app name matches the current directory name unless you pass the --app argument to app related commands.

Now that I have an empty app created I can deploy my app with convox deploy

$ convox deploy
Packaging source... OK
Uploading source... OK
Starting build... OK
Authenticating Login Succeeded
Building: .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12kB
Step 1/9 : FROM hayd/ubuntu-deno
---> 46fa88c6e582
Step 2/9 : EXPOSE 8080
---> Using cache
---> 8558dbd2cc9a
Step 3/9 : WORKDIR /app
---> Using cache
---> 9b090a2faa85
Step 4/9 : USER deno
---> Using cache
---> e89528aa5d35
Step 5/9 : COPY deps.ts .
---> Using cache
---> 3d81ce45b513
Step 6/9 : RUN deno cache deps.ts
---> Using cache
---> e8d9b94708ad
Step 7/9 : ADD . .
---> Using cache
---> 0d9374c31e7e
Step 8/9 : RUN deno cache hello.ts
---> Using cache
---> 3aad783eeb21
Step 9/9 : CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "hello.ts"]
---> Using cache
---> 4721697b19de
Successfully built 4721697b19de
Successfully tagged adc456a75a24f6940a7c04f27deca0a69aa82ce436aac812f5dc784c:latest
Running: docker tag adc456a75a24f6940a7c04f27deca0a69aa82ce436aac812f5dc784c do-test/deno:app.BMPHETIBKJY
Running: docker tag do-test/deno:app.BMPHETIBKJY
Running: docker push

Promoting RLCBFEFTRIP...
2020-05-29T23:12:52Z system/k8s/atom/app Status: Running => Pending
2020-05-29T23:12:53Z system/k8s/app Scaled up replica set app-bd9774756 to 1
2020-05-29T23:12:53Z system/k8s/app-bd9774756 Created pod: app-bd9774756-gpnnj
2020-05-29T23:12:53Z system/k8s/app-bd9774756-gpnnj Successfully assigned do-test-deno/app-bd9774756-gpnnj to do-test-node-3n6m6
2020-05-29T23:12:55Z system/k8s/app-bd9774756-gpnnj Created container main
2020-05-29T23:12:55Z system/k8s/app-bd9774756-gpnnj Started container main
2020-05-29T23:12:55Z system/k8s/app-bd9774756-gpnnj Container image "" already present on machine
2020-05-29T23:12:56Z system/k8s/atom/app Status: Pending => Updating
2020-05-29T23:13:04Z system/k8s/atom/app Status: Updating => Running

The deployment time depends on the cloud your are deploying to and few other factors, such as your upload bandwidth, but typically for an app this small a first time deployment can take 1-5 minutes and subsequent deployments can take less than a minute.

Test Your App

Now that we have deployed we can test our app by grabbing the auto-generated URL with convox services

$ convox services
app 443:8080

And we can test with either curl or our browser

$ curl
Hello World

And just like that we have a Deno app up and running on Digital Ocean with a valid SSL certificate and we can make updates and redeploy with a single command! You can find the example app for this post in the Convox-Examples Github Repository.

Next Steps

Let your team focus on what matters.