As we kick off the new year, we extend a warm welcome to our community. We're excited to have you with us! Expect timely updates and insightful knowledge sent directly to your email. Explore helpful advice and tools to optimize your use of Convox's solutions. Wishing you a successful and productive start to the year!
- Add new line to the user data scripts
Added a new line to instance userdata scripts, fixing an issue for Private=No racks using Spot Instances and the Whitelist feature. Now, instance IPs are automatically added to Security Groups as expected.
- Add support to add annotation to ingress:
This new feature empowers users to customize the behavior of their service's Kubernetes ingress object by introducing the ability to set custom annotations. Now, you can easily add nginx ingress controller-related annotations to tailor how nginx manages and forwards traffic to your service.
To keep you updated on the latest releases, here is a summary of our recent work:
If you're a Convox user utilizing managed RDS instances, you may have received notifications from Amazon RDS regarding Extended Support. In this blog post, we'll provide guidance on efficiently updating your RDS resources in accordance with Convox best practices.